About the Author: Deborah Crossland
What would you like readers to know about you?
I’m Deb, and I have a PhD in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology. I also have a master’s degree in English, which basically means I spent way too much time in school! When I’m not writing, I’m teaching dual enrollment college-level classes to high schoolers.
What music do you listen to (if any) when you write?
I will usually listen to movie scores or classical music—something without lyrics. There’s a Spotify playlist called Dark Academia which I listen to for all the Big Emotion scenes. If I’m sprinting, meaning writing for a set time then taking a break, I use an app called brain.fm. It has music that is supposed to help your brain focus and a timer, so it works well!
What books or authors inspired you to become a writer?
I have loved reading and books since I can remember. My mom was a fantastic story-teller, and I think my love for story started with her. I spent my teen years reading Anne Rice and Danielle Steele (it was the 80s haha), but the subsequent explosion of YA novels was what really got me interested in writing. I loved the idea of being able to write stories that could simultaneously entertain teens and help them feel seen.

About the Book: The Quiet Part Out Loud
What is your book about for those who haven’t read it?
The Quiet Part Out Loud is about Mia and Alfie, a couple who have an iconic senior year romance, but after Mia’s life falls apart, she pushes Alfie away. Five months later, they both happen to be in San Francisco when a devastating earthquake ruins the city. She realizes how much she still loves him, so she and her best friend trek through the rubble to find him before the rest of the city collapses taking one—or both of them—with it.
What has been your inspiration for writing it?
A few years ago, there was a song called “If the World Was Ending” by JP Saxe that seemed to play all the time! It’s about a couple who’d broken up. After a small earthquake, they have this back and forth about being together if disaster had actually struck. I started thinking about how we put things off or push things away in the name of pride so often, and then I sort of became obsessed with what might happen if we put that harmful type of pride away. I had to write it!
What was your favorite scene or part of your book to write?
I am a huge banter fan! I love writing all the silly things couples say to each other when they flirt. I have two favorite scenes: the first one is when Mia and Alfie are texting for the first time and he tries to ask her out and accidentally tells her he’s “not normal,” which is completely humiliating for him and hilarious for us! The second one is when they do get to go on their first date, but it’s to the Dickens Fair, with Mia’s parents.
Where can your book be purchased?
It’s available pretty much wherever books are sold! I really like Bookshop.Org because you can order online and the book comes to you from a local bookstore!
To the Future Writer:
What advice would you give to aspiring authors who want to write a book?
Read everything. Read in the genre you want to write in (if you know), but also read outside of that genre. Also, don’t worry about writing the next “Great American Novel.” Write what makes you happy and be willing to take risks. After all, I took a huge risk by writing Alfie’s POV in 2ndperson past tense, and look what happened!

What’s next for you? Any events, upcoming pubs, etc.
My book launch will be at Books Inc. in Palo Alto, CA on June 27th. If you’re around that area, I would love to see you!
Where can we find you:
Twitter- @yaddathree
Instagram- @deb.crossland
Website- https://www.deborahcrossland.com/
Others- @deborahcrosslandwrites on TikTok

What’s on your TBR list?
So many haha! I’ve got Black Candle Women by Diane Marie Brown, The Do-Over by Suzanne Park, Spin by Rebecca Caprara, The Power by Naomi Alderman. Just way too many good books out there!